Thursday, August 10, 2006

Where can I get me one of these??

Where can I get one of these?? I could really use some FF>> in my life now. I know, I know "Good things come to ones who wait". But this is insane. Its like the time in Oz has been frozen in winter. From what I hear it definitely is going fast back home in India!!
Well, as for my life over here. Last night was great. I had Vaish and Dipti tie me the rakhi. Quite an honour guys thanks. Your membership in the MPS (Manoj Protection Service) has been renewed. Well Annie (the pregnant one) will be tying the rakhi on Saturday.
Talking about the "pregnant one", we are due to be uncles and aunts any day now. Quite excited about that. I hope Rohit and Annie share. Well they the great thing about babies are that they are cute and fun ; as long as you can return them!!! Well I shall be exercising my rights then. They have already decided the baby names as well. Will post pics of the latest addition to the Oz family.
Loads of stuff happening back home, its the wedding lil sister Dipti gets married this month. Ramesh (B.O.B. : Brother Of Brother in law) gets married a day before my engagement. Aha! The engagement is there. Thank God for technology I will be making my presence known by calling home and talking to everyone at the function. Well.. couldnt get a web cam. Very very very excited about our engagement. August 18th. Relax now!!
Spring in Melbourne is due next month. The frigid winter is coming to an end...good days ahead.


Blogger Maverick said...

Still in the quest of getting the remote...will keep you posted.

10:00 PM  

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