Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Current project - An ode to my mates.

Well a new project has popped in my mind. Why dont I let the world know the people I associate myself with. Starting with the extended family that I have here.
So armed with my trusted camera...I move forward to get the pics (funny ones if I can) of my friends. The best is that they are all in couples so it will be some good ones. Its time the world knows why I am so happy in Oz. Thanks to these great people that I met out here.

P.S (The pic above is Ethan from http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/ , one of the best online comics I have read. Have a look if you are some one who knows me you will know why I picked Ethan)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont ever want to see - the you know what pictures on this blogg...!!!I will make sure to pour honey all over you when you are asleep, and let the insects eat you alive!!!

4:34 PM  
Blogger Maverick said...

Hmm...some interesting pics are coming into mind. Try the honey pouring and something that burns...this means war!!!

9:12 PM  

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