Thursday, June 08, 2006

Break the code 1

Saw the Da Vinci code movie. Yes did read the book before I watched it. Contrary to popular opinions ( at least of the 22 reviews that I read) I loved the movie. Well I guess history..(His Story) does fancy my interest. The book was great and methinks that Ron Howard has done a great job. Oh!! ...what do I know of Christanity...well studying in Xian school and college has had it affects on the way I I would say not completely ignorant of the doctrines of Christianity. I wonder why people cant take the movie/story as fiction. You can’t understand all and say "ones" belief is always right.
There are some great revelations to the dark past of the church. All agree its true...
Well I am gonna do my part in adding fuel to the fire by publishing my research (not that it matters) into my blog posting.
My advise is to read the book and since you know what the twist the movie. Its quite an entertainer. All characters have done well...especially Silas (Paul Bettany).
So watch out for more Da Vinci....


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