Well after a long break I am back online. Well I have been doing this for millions of times but not happy with the posting. So here goes….I just cant wait to let everyone know what I feel.
Episode 1:
My journey to India:Never in my life have I found that a journey back to India could be so long and exhausting. I was very much having the “Are we there yet??” syndrome. Added with the “Can’t this flight go any faster??” Then the pilot decides to let everyone know that we are currently 35K feet above the ground at 800kmph. “Well cant this flight go any faster?” I asked myself. Well after the whole ordeal of watching grass grow in Singapore caught the next flight to India. It was so good to be back. With my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation I walked out (yes walked out…wanted to run. Be civil I told myself). My darling family was there to greet me and we went home. My niece has grown up and well she was the main star for the day. As her uncle was Santa Claus that night. Chechi and Sharanya had tried their best to get me to be awake and talk to them. When a man has to sleep he has to sleep. Not for long in this case, was up at 3 AM watching the second hand tick slowly as if to make the whole night go in super slow motion!!! I am going to meet her tomorrow. What will she say to the question? God please help me. Well good time to pray. Didn’t take me long to wake up my sister, who wasn’t very impressed. She was kind though and was up from 5, watching me walk around the room and get all worked up.
Episode 2:Meet the parents: (Not to be related to any movie or its sequel)
Went to the temples before going there. We were supposed to be there for breakfast. She had warned me that there was a good chance of having idlis!!! Hey what was I afraid of….I can be artificially polite if I have to. Lets not stray from the fact that she might just go “Bleah” when she sees me. Walked in to be greeted by her dad. Scared and nervous would be like a drops in the ocean compared to what I was feeling at that time. There I was in a room filled with strangers and then I saw her. Hey!!! Who pressed the slow mo button? I am not complaining… a very good feeling. Yes, tensed as well. So after a lot of chit chat….time for the Indian traditions to kick in. “Why don’t you guys talk in the room??” “Ask any questions you want” her mom added. Bwuh?? What do I ask…pressure pressure pressure!! And what did I talk about?? How beautiful sight the sunset would be from the window of the room. Genius!!! Didn’t talk about the question at all. D’oh. Well came out of the room and sat down to be asked whether I had liked Payal. WHAT A QUESTION??!! Liked her…of course I did. I said “Yes”. The most surprising event happened after that. They started discussing the wedding date. What??? She said “Yes” as well. But…but…well it happened too fast and I was still awe struck after seeing her. It was time for us to go back to Kollam. Her family was going to meet us in Kollam!! Hmmm…good I thought.
Episode 3:
The proposal:
Hurrying back to Kollam. All are on the phone. Sharanya and I were very quiet for the next 1.5 hours. Well there were a lot of plans happening. Ordering take away, deciding on flower arrangements etc. Well my family was excited. Few hours later, yes I am still kinda lost, we see Payal’s family drive in. All happy faces greet each other. Well one small problem, as per Indian custom she shouldn’t enter my house. Mani uncle (her side) reiterated that that was the right thing to do. You got to be kidding me. So Payal, Bharath (her cousin), Chechi, Sharanya and I went to the club.
I took the opportunity to go on my knee and ask her if she would marry me..I had to hear it from her. With a smile she said yes. I felt like my heart had been nuked…there definitely was an explosion in there and it was no firecracker……………………….
and now I can say that we love each other and are very very very very happy. I am glad that she came into my life. It was definitely worth the wait. Every passing day we are getting closer and getting to know each and of course fall more in love with her.
And here is the happy couple!!!
Welcome to my life Payal. I love you and forever will.
I’d give anything to see the sun set on the horizon,
I’d do anything to gaze at a full moon in the night sky;
A rainbow sure makes me smile,
I’d love to swim in crystal clear waters of an untouched sea;
Make a wish on a shooting star
And try to gaze from afar,
all the diamonds in the night sky
The mist on the mountains is breathtaking,
As is walking in dew spotted forest
To see cascading waterfalls I’d do anything for,
Stand on the highest peak in the world,
then look at the sights below;
I’d love to soar on wings above the clouds,
Across the blue sky;
A red rose blooming in a desert,
A river twisting through a dusty land,
All beautiful things in this world;
But I also know I am looking at
The world’s most beautiful creation,
Every time you smile,and every time I look into your eyes.