Monday, January 29, 2007

> 10 days to go!!

Now the countdown can be done with our hands. No more calculators. 9 days to go!!
Am I excited? MY OATH I am. 3 days for me to fly back to India. Now the excitement has really kicked in. Days seem to fly a bit more faster now. I guess that's because there is a lot to be done before I leave.
Parents are gonna have their son back. Chechi is gonna have her brother back. Sharanya is gonna have her uncle (Santa Claus) back. Payal is getting a husband. What about me ....goodness, I really make it sound as if the world revolves round me!!! I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED. Its so hard to pen down what I feel.
Just turned 31 last Friday. Had a very good party, thanks to all over here in Oz. It was a great "surprise" party. I was spending all day trying to dig out what everyone had planned for me. There was face painting ( I got painted as the clown that I am). A huge platter of food. Felt like I had eaten a whale. So special thanks to my special friends over here. Yep, there was a cake and no there was no cake smashing. They used ICE CREAM!!!! In a nutshell a fantastic night. My last birthday as a bachelor.
Will I miss anything that I did as a bachelor?
Hmmm... maybe I might miss the life of being an absolute lazy and irresponsible person. The hours of PlayStation and PC games. Nothing that's gonna affect me much. I can safely and truly say that I am gonna gain a lot more than losing.
So switching on to warp speed. Married life "HERE I COME".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was our pleasure to be able to celebrate it!! do hope that u had heaps of fun!! we defn did!!! vaish n me had a ball painting faces... n not to forget.. annĂ­e's "cake" smash!!! ha ha ha!!!!!
hugs to you!!!!!!!!

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup...time to stop being a lazy guy. now we'll b a lazy couple!! :D my sexy 31 yr-old li'l brat! i love you!

11:27 PM  

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