My piece of the internet

Saturday, October 25, 2008

11 lancefield drive, Caroline Springs

Monday, July 30, 2007

Expecto patronum!!!!!!

The last of the series is out. If you have read it yet, I don't want to know the ending. What has this edition in store.

Will the prophecy hold....who is the one that will survive, Harry or will it be "You know who?".

Have got the copy of the Deathly Hallows. To my surprise don't remember much of the "Half blood prince".

No spoilers here. Feel sad for the fans who had to read the spoilers!
As the title of the blog, I thought I would try a few spells:
Accio -Summoning Charm
Aguamenti - Produces a jet of water from the witch or wizard's wand
Alohomora - Used to open and unlock doors. It is not effective on doors bewitched to resist this spell
Avis - creates a flock of birds which pour forth from the caster's wand
Confringo - Causes anything that the spell comes into contact with to explode.
Confundo - Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled
Defodio - This spell causes deep gouges to appear in the object targeted by the spell
Deletrius - An erasure spell. It erases images and magical "after-effects".
Densaugeo - This hex makes the victim's teeth grow rapidly.
Diffindo - Tears the target or a specific area on the target
Episkey - Used to heal relatively minor injuries.
Evanesco - Makes something vanish
Expelliarmus - Disarming spell
Incendio - Produces fire
Langlock - Glues the subject's tongue to the roof of their mouth
Legilimens - Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim, allowing the caster to see the memories, thoughts, and emotions of the victim.
Levicorpus - The victim is dangled upside-down by their ankles
Liberacorpus - counter for the above
Lumos - Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip
Mobilicorpus - Levitates and moves bodies.
Morsmordre - Conjures the dark mark
Muffliato - This spell fills peoples' ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep them from hearing nearby conversations.
Petrificus Totalus - Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention
Portus - Turns an object into a port key
Protego - Shield charm
Reparo - Repairs objects
Rictusempra - Tickling charm
Scourgify _ Cleaning charm
Sectumsempra - A dark spell that creates large, blood-oozing gashes on the subject as if said subject had been "slashed by a sword".
Serpensortia -Conjures a serpent from the spellcaster's wand
Wingardium Leviosa - Levitates objects

Now for the Do-Not's

Avada Kedavra - Causes instant death.
Crucio - Inflicts unbearable pain on the recipient of the curse
Imperio - Causes the recipient of the curse to do the unquestioned bidding of the caster

So...Expecto Patronum!!!!! (The Patronus Charm is a defensive spell used to conjure an incarnation of the Witch's or Wizard's innermost positive emotions to act as a protector)

Friday, June 22, 2007


Can a person gain 6% of his body weight in a week? Answer: YES!!! Thats what has happened to me. I have started getting out of shape (again). Well, a round is a shape as well. Planning on doing some exercise or at least some physical activity.

Watched episodes 1~12 of the Heroes over the weekend. One word for it "AWESOME". One of the best series that I have ever seen. What could be a cool super power?

- Telekensis - Spoon benders are usually not dressed in a cape. Good power, can also be used for fetching your remote control
- Pyrokenesis - Control and create fire
- Telepathy - read other people's mind
- Teleporting
- Walk through walls
- Indestructable / amazing healing powers
- Healing others
- Superhuman strength
- Self propelled flight
-Precognitive trance - ability to see the future
- Technopath - ability to talk to machines
- Clear other people's memories
- Radio active power
- Cyberpathy - yep no internet needed here
- Persuasion
- Illussion casting
- Eidetic memory
- Enhanced hearing
- Absorbing, recalling other people's power
The list goes on. The show is similar to X-men and perhaps Mutant X ( havent seen this one). Well I would like a super power sponge and get a couple of cool powers.
So as always end the post with a question...So what is your fav super power??
As always expecting an answer in the comments.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Guess who is back,. I am not sure whether any one still looks in here. I am back and will be resuming my blogger duties.
What have I been doing for the last 141 days. Good question. The things that has happened during this time:
- Payal and I am married. The wedding was awesome. As I say to everyone who ask me "How is married life?".."HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!"
- A great holiday in India....2 months...not long enough the mind says!! 2 months was just enough to sit back and START to unwind. Nothing like being back home.
- Had Sharanya's birthday bash and well it is good to be called Santa Claus. Hmmm, about Ninja. She is one of the smartest kids in her school. Getting loads of 1st prizes. We were one gleaming family when we went to her school day. Well she swims better than her uncle now. "One amazing kid" is the usual comment that she gets.
- Came back to Oz in April...
- Vaish and Sats have a new house....yep its complete.
- Deepthi and Tushar are in their new place as well....yep that's complete as well.
- Payal is Melbourne...she got here 20 days after I did.
- We are in our new place.....nah!! We are renting. The good part is that it is right behind the Panjalas.
- MEHEK....where do I start with this.....she has started sitting up, crawling, talking (baby language), imitating us as well....and occasionally scolding Vaish.
- Oh! BTW I am an Aussie my citizenship. (I know, I know...I will get dual citizenship.)
- It was not all good news for me. Lost some one is who is very dear to me. Jacky has passed on to happier hunting grounds. Will miss ya mate

That's me in the last 141 days. Will update post if I think of something I have missed. Well this is just a gist of things anyways.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Are we there yet...??

So much for time flying past. Today must be the slowest day of the year.
Loads of work to do and things to get done before I leave. Started to convey my adieu's to all. Now the excitement is getting very hard to contain. I hope I dont do something crazy to embarass myself and all around me. Just one more day of....I work. I wouldnt be doing much tomorrow. Will be trying to find out if I have any loose ends that needs to "fixed".
Well, my bags are packed and I am ready to go. Just waiting for the jetplane.
WOOOO HOOOOO....I am getting married!!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Home sweet home

Going to be home in another 3 days. Cant keep the excitement inside.
I am at work and really wanna stand up and scream. Its going to be very different when I get home. Just a whole new feel to it. Definitely was excited when I was travelling earlier as well. I guess its the whole wedding feeling kicking in.
Everyone keeps on asking about nervousness, cold feet etc. Neither of the above. Just a warm and calm feeling within me. I am sure that its gonna hit me big time when I am in India.

As the song goes:
'Mid pleasures and palaces
Though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble,
There's no place like home.
A charm from the skies
Seems to hallow us there,
Which seek thro' the world,
Is ne'er met with elsewhere.
Home, home, sweet sweet home,
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home.
I gaze on the moon
As I tread the drear wild,
And feel that my mother
Now thinks of her child;
As she looks on that moon
From our own cottage door,
Thro' the woodbine whose fragrance
Shall cheer me no more.
Home, home, sweet sweet home,
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home.
An exile from home,
Splendor dazzles in vain,
Oh, give me my lowly
Thatched cottage again;
The birds singing gaily,
That came at my call:
Give me them and that
Peace of mind, dearer than all.
Home, home, sweet sweet home,
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home

> 10 days to go!!

Now the countdown can be done with our hands. No more calculators. 9 days to go!!
Am I excited? MY OATH I am. 3 days for me to fly back to India. Now the excitement has really kicked in. Days seem to fly a bit more faster now. I guess that's because there is a lot to be done before I leave.
Parents are gonna have their son back. Chechi is gonna have her brother back. Sharanya is gonna have her uncle (Santa Claus) back. Payal is getting a husband. What about me ....goodness, I really make it sound as if the world revolves round me!!! I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED. Its so hard to pen down what I feel.
Just turned 31 last Friday. Had a very good party, thanks to all over here in Oz. It was a great "surprise" party. I was spending all day trying to dig out what everyone had planned for me. There was face painting ( I got painted as the clown that I am). A huge platter of food. Felt like I had eaten a whale. So special thanks to my special friends over here. Yep, there was a cake and no there was no cake smashing. They used ICE CREAM!!!! In a nutshell a fantastic night. My last birthday as a bachelor.
Will I miss anything that I did as a bachelor?
Hmmm... maybe I might miss the life of being an absolute lazy and irresponsible person. The hours of PlayStation and PC games. Nothing that's gonna affect me much. I can safely and truly say that I am gonna gain a lot more than losing.
So switching on to warp speed. Married life "HERE I COME".